Ethan Evans - Full-Stack Developer

I am currently a senior studying Computer Engineering and will be graduating in December 2021. My focus area within the CPRE program is Software. In this project I will be taking the role of full-stack developer. Throughout this project my intent is to gain as much as knowledge as possible and make a satisfactory product for our client.

Max Farver - Full-Stack Developer

I am currently a senior in Software Engineering, working full-time as a Software Engineer while I finish up school. My preferred technical focus area is Software Architecture, specifically in cloud environments. I hope to bring experience with various CI/CD and dev/prod environments to the team to help us achieve our goal and produce a quality product for our client

Nick Landon - Full-Stack Developer

I am a senior majoring in Software Engineering, and am planning on getting a masters in Computer Science. I have a strong interest in machine learning and artificial intelligence. I would like to contribute to this project to the fullest of my abilities in the attempt to create the optimal website for our client.

Aidan Andreas - Full-Stack Developer

I am a senior in Software Engineering and will be graduating in December 2021. Throughout this project I look forward to learning new skills and honing old ones to create a product the whole team will be proud of.

Brady Zalasky - Full-Stack Developer

I am currently a senior in Software Engineering planning to graduate in December 2021. My area of focus is on software development, specifically web development and design. Through this project I hope to display and strengthen my abilities, while also gaining some valuable experience.